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Convenient, Flexible & Safe

Donations On Location

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Convenient, Flexible & Safe

Donations On Location

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Bringing Donation Solutions To Your Doorstep

Charities, hospitals, churches and other non-profit causes need to capture donations from those that are at their location, but potential donors have no way to donate on impulse. If the non-profit could capture these potential donations and have a method to reach out to the donors afterwards then this is the perfect method to enable both goals. This is what the Donation Station Solutions program allows for, which is unique in the industry.

Bringing Donation Solutions To Your Doorstep

Charities, hospitals, churches and other non profit causes need to capture donations from those that are at their location, but potential donors have no way to donate on impulse. If the non profit could capture these potential donations and have a method to reach out to the donors afterwards then this is the perfect method to enable both goals. This is what the Donation Station Solutions program allows for, which is unique in the industry.

Increased Donations Means Support For Your Organization

Donation StationTM is an electronic terminal that allows people to quickly and easily donate to a charity or non profit organization while on site. It features an interactive touch screen with accompanying credit/debit card reader that makes it easy to capture casual or impulse donations and collect email addresses of donators for future fundraising engagement. The Donation Station provides an emailed receipt to those who donate with a link to obtain an official receipt for tax purposes.

Increased Donations Means Support For Your Organization

Donation StationTM is an electronic terminal that allows people to quickly and easily donate to a charity or non profit organization while on site. It features an interactive touch screen with accompanying credit/debit card reader that makes it easy to capture casual or impulse donations and collect email addresses of donators for future fundraising engagement. The Donation Station provides an emailed receipt to those who donate with a link to obtain an official receipt for tax purposes.

It All Starts With Your Good Work

Your organization is doing wonderful work that people want to support, and they are never more motivated to do so than when they are witnessing your work firsthand.

Inspire Untapped Donations

Donation StationTM inspires people who are engaging with your organization to show their support. Our digital donation solution makes it safe and convenient for patrons to donate an amount of their choice and receive a receipt for doing so.

Convenient, Flexible & Safe

The Donation StationTM requires no expenditure of resources by your organization, and it gives your patrons a way to securely donate an amount of their choice using a debit or credit card. Donation StationTM allows for donations up to $998.00.

It Is Better To Give With A Receipt

Providing a receipt for a donation is your organization’s way of saying thank you, yet most automated donation systems don’t provide one. Donation StationTM automatically emails a receipt for the donation with an option to obtain an official tax receipt.

Grow The Relationship

Because Donation StationTM asks for an email address in return for providing a receipt, it grows your organization’s contact database, so that you can grow the relationship with these donors.

Easy On Your Organization

Our terminals require no management or operation on your part and give your patrons a simple and secure way to express their support. There is no equipment cost to the program, no credit card processor sign up, no annual service agreements so the value of the proposition is easy for the non-profit.

Take A Peak Inside Donation StationTM

Take A Peak Inside Donation StationTM

We Can Help You With Donation Solutions

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